The team

We were at the new house by 8.01 this morning and found the team and two very large removal vans ready and waiting. It has been a hectic day, but they had finished by 1pm. They were first class, treating us with respect and friendliness. More than happy to shift things if they were in the wrong place.

It didn’t all go to plan, as the units going into the garage were a bit tall. They can be adjusted, but that’s not a job for today. It didn’t help that it started to pour with rain, but we cracked on.

I’d popped along to Tesco’s Express down the road for more milk and a sandwich deal for lunch, so that we could continue after they had left.

We stayed at the house until 6pm sorting out some of the boxes. I do think that we still have not declutter enough and need to get rid of more stuff. But I think that B has now recognised the need to part with things!! So that will help.

Back to R&S’s for dinner and the night, we haven’t found the pans yet or worked out how to use the new oven. The bed isn’t made up.

Amber has had a great day with R, sleeping on the cat’s chair in the kitchen.

I think that I will sleep well tonight, ten hours working on the trot is not the norm for me !!!! A good day!!

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