Collapsing Roof

A breezy day, rain and mist this morning, but cleared, still overcast. 

Up fairly early, and headed out walkies with Sammy after breakfast.  Popped by Madeline's for a cuppa.  Nipped into Lerwick before lunch.  More walkies with Sammy this afternoon.  Working in the shop this evening, then an early night.  

It's been a while since I've been out for a walk this way, and Sammy was keen.  Last time I was here this old croft house roof was in a bad way, but was still whole on the roof.  Sadly it's taken a beating from the elements, and starting to collapse in on itself.  It probably won't be long until it falls in completely, or blown off with a gale.  Taken at Brindister, near West Burrafirth.  

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