Tuesday: Thousand Foot Falls

I had an exciting adventure today.  I was picked up this morning by helicopter and then flown to the British Army’s training camp in the jungle in Mountain Pine Ridge.  There, I was given the tour of the training camp that they construct for themselves and where they spend about six weeks conducting army training.  It was absolutely fascinating!  Definitely not for the faint-hearted.

The camp is quite near the Mayan site of Caracol, still the tallest structure in Belize.  It’s normally quite a trek to go to so we stopped off there after leaving the jungle camp.

On the way back we stopped off for an excellent roast dinner at Pine Ridge Lodge, run by Neil, a hairdresser from Manchester……

Meanwhile, K was having a test meal cooked at home by someone we’re hoping to employ as a chef.  Unfortunately I was too full to try it but apparently it was very good.

I’ve added some extras:
Medic Truck
Our guide
Belmopan from above (with our house at the bottom - the one with the tennis court)

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