Windows Of Opportunity

Today's image was captured on a short circuitous walk around our local village. The shot was taken from the steps up to the church looking out across the rooftops. I just liked the way the leaves of the tree in the foreground acted as a framing device for the selection of different windows.
The rest of the day was actually pretty busy. I managed to fit in a run, get up to date with the washing, continued to tackle our gargantuan beech hedge, make a rhubarb crumble and a fruit salad and start a new book - Portable Magic - A History of Books and their Readers by Emma Smith. It sounds as though it might be a bit dry but it's anything but - it's entertaining, fascinating, sobering, wise, thought provoking and funny - any book that manages to reference the Guttenberg Bible and the sci-fi blockbuster The Day After Tomorrow within a few paragraphs of the same chapter is a winner for me!

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