The RBGE and Inverleith Park

Finally a return to Edinburgh. After I dropped Pat off at the Scottish Arts Club, I drove down to the Botanic Gardens.

First event was to have coffee. The Coffee and Restaurant at the RBGE run a loyalty card scheme.

Every 10th mug of coffee is free and I was delighted to discover that a free cake is also included. 

The pleasure of the unexpected small thing! One Mocha Coffee and a Salted Chocolate Brownie, please.

After my treat I enjoyed a walk around the gardens, before walking toward Inverleith Park.

The main Blipfoto shows the North Entrance to the Park. The second photo shows a rather fine Copper Beach.

The third extra shows a father and child being photographed by the mother in a gateway through the Beech Hedge. I doubt that II appear in their photograph. I hope that is the case.

The third photo shows a rather fine bed of what I take to be varieties of tulips and the final extra shows the water feature on the East side of the John Hope Gateway Visitor Centre on Arboretum Place.

I really must find out more about this rather complex structure.

I then returned to Rutland Square to meet up with Pat before returning home.

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