Hill Of Tarvit Mansionhouse

Another day of fine weather guiding at the Mansionhouse.

Today’s Blipfoto shows a Brownie Hawkeye Film Camera which dates from about 1951. It was Pat’s first camera. One of the extras shows the view of the camera from above giving all of the setting information.

Pat has been talking with R, one of the staff who care for the house collection and who is something a film photographer. R has her own dark room and enlarger. 

Pat mentioned the camera and will likely give to R. I was able to locate the manual for this camera and download a PDF version.

The other extra announces an exhibition of Rayburn paintings to be held in the Georgian House in Edinburgh this year.

The visitor numbers were good and at the end of the day we uncovered some very interesting original documents relating to the family.

I hope to say more about this after I have made copies of the documents. They do not belong to NTS but we’re brought in by a friend.

Finally we were given a tour in the part of the building which is not open to visitors, and not shown to me in the ten years I have been guiding.

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