Goats at Ootroo

The mist finally lifted, leaving a few patches of low cloud on the highest of hills.  Calm, warm when sunny, also some cloudy spells.  Lovely evening. 

Up early, and headed out walkies after breakfast.  Popped by Madeline's for a cuppa.  Next stop was the garden centre, then a spell in the garden before work.  A 1pm start in the airport again. I've mostly been meeting and boarding flights, thankfully everything landed, just a few technical delays.  Our new Sumburgh to Heathrow flight started today too.  Walkies with Sammy after work, now feet up.

I popped by Laura's on my way to work, but no one home, not even Olly.  I had time to fill, so I stopped off for a chat with these super cute goats.  They came from the Original Cake Fridge café, and re-homed here.  With a lovely sunny day, they were happy to take a break from relaxing, and came over for a chat.  The one in the centre looks fierce, but he was wanting more ear scratches.  Taken at Ootroo, Mid Voxter, Cunningsburgh.  

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