Hidden Bluebells

A beautiful sunny day, with some low cloud on the hills.  Clouded over this evening.  Calm and warm all day.

Up early, and headed out walkies with Sammy after breakfast.  Popped by Madeline's for a cuppa.  Got some jobs done in the garden, before setting off to work.  Popped by Laura's, no one home again!  1pm start in the airport, and last shift of the week.  A busy day of passengers, all flights in and out, a few minor delays.  Sister Julie popped by for a cuppa tonight, she's down from Unst for the weekend.  Might try a pint later. 

Since Laura wasn't home, I had time to kill before work, so a walk was called for.  I had been looking around an old derelict croft house, then popped around the back for a look.  To my amazement, there was a sea of beautiful colours, mostly pink, white and bluebells, with the odd daffodil and celandine.  The zoomed out version really didn't capture the beauty, so a lower approach was needed.  A lovely hidden gem, I'll defo be back another year for a look.  Taken behind an abandoned croft house, Shandrick (Channerwick). 

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