My Best Efforts - Year 3


A Lovely Bonus.........

.................when I went out very early to refill one of my bird feeders - I spotted a flash of white in amongst the Pink Cranesbill down the side of the bungalow. About three or four years ago, my then neighbour gave me a small bit of root of Lily of the Valley which, as it was raining at the time, I just pushed into the ground with every intention of planting it somewhere else eventually. Me being me, I promptly forgot about it, so it stayed where I put it and has sat there ever since and done nothing. This morning, there, where I had pushed it into the ground, were about a dozen or so spikes of these lovely, sweet scented flowers! How it has survived, I do not know - practically smothered by the cranesbill and tucked right under the old stone wall where the soil is very dry and gets only the very early morning sun - it is a small miracle!

The weather is brilliant at the moment - and at 8.45 a.m. is already 13 deg. C.! - forecast good for this part of the Country so here's hoping it stays fine for the rest of the day.

As usual, click lower case "L" to enlarge

Enjoy the day!

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