My Best Efforts - Year 3


Minature Aquilega...........

....................a really tiny one - less than one inch across! - but loads of flowers on one plant. I cannot remember whether or not they were bigger a few years ago or not. People shrink as they get older - perhaps flowers do too.
It was a lovely day again yesterday and it was nice to be able to get out into the garden for the third day running and do some much needed tidying up - another couple of days required yet, I think. You would think that such a tiny plot as mine would be easy to keep tidy but with so many plants fighting for breathing space, it's very difficult to get right in amongst them without damaging others. However, it's my choice that it is the way it is, so I shouldn't grumble!

It is a very different day today - very cloudy and there was rain in the night. The sun is now trying to penetrate the clouds so we shall have to see. Temperature at 10.00a.m is 12 deg C.

I hope everyone has had a good weekend.

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