Plant shopping today...

...And were were greeted with an unexpected find in the hanging basket we chose. When my husband reached up to bring down the hanging plant we had decided on, a little bird shot out of it! We peared inside and found these 5 little wren eggs. Well, we couldn't take this plant now. We alerted the staff and they tagged it so it would be left alone until the little birds can fly off on their own.

It was another beautiful day today. Sunny and a little warmer, I think it got up into the low 70's (F). So we headed over to Crystal Gardens in Frankfort, MI. It's a virtual wonderland of plants and anything related to gardening. It is on a large property that is surrounded by the woods. They have even incorporated some of the shade plant selections on paths leading further into the wooded areas. We ran into their resident peacock and the occasional cat sleeping in a cozy group of plants. Even though it is a holiday weekend on the brink of planting season, this place is huge and well organized, so we barely noticed the throngs of shoppers.

One more night for covering plants due to low temperatures, so I'll wait to put today's finds into the ground. We spent a lot of time it the "Attracts hummingbirds and butterflies" section... I'm pretty excited to get those incorporated into my garden!

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