Bugless Ballerina

Well, if you have fun at a gardening center one day... ultimately, you'll have to spend the next day in the dirt... :) I was outside for most of the daylight hours today; weeding, digging, planting, mulching and watering. Man, it was a great day! I took a few breaks to whip out the camera and chase a few bugs... but not a one consented to be being blipped. So I bring you a bugless fucia (ballerina flower). I love all of the folds and shapes created by this beautiful blossom. And, well, the color speaks for it's self. :) Big and Bright

It's the end of our long weekend and I know I have been a bit SO delenquent in my commenting and especially my thank yous... We have been non-stop for days now and I will get back into my routine. I greatly appreciate all of the comments and ratings that you have been leaving for me.

I hope you had a weekend (extended or not) that you truly enjoyed. I know I did - good company, good weather, good fun. Can't ask for more than that!

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