Saturday: Trogir In The Rain

Well, I have to say that the weather has been absolutely appalling today - so much so, that we have been talking about deluges, rather than just rain.  I also have to say that it hasn't stopped us having a great time.

We have been felt a bit like cloud chasers.  We spent most of the day driving around trying to avoid large clouds.  And with some clever use of pit stops we avoided getting wet!

So, coffee in Trogir (where this was taken - normally these seats would be full), great lunch in Kastela and the evening back in Split.  We discovered a great wine bar where we tried a few Croatian wines, followed by dinner at a lovely seafood restaurant.  

And a great walk back to the hotel where we all took loads of photos, but, as they were all after midnight, I won't be posting them here......

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