St George

Out for a slow walk today and the benefit of walking slowly is that you notice things, like these mushrooms. I was excited to see them as I was pretty sure that they are St George’s mushrooms (so called because they start appearing in the UK after April 23rd). They are an edible delicacy and retail for around £40/kg as they can’t be cultivated.

I picked just one and took it home to photograph and send to double check the ID to a FB site I follow called Scottish Wild Fungi and Virn, who runs it, agreed with me. Went through the checklist and everything fitted so I fried it up in olive oil and ate it.

Three hours later and I’ve been out drumming and feel fine, so will be back tomorrow for some more :-)

Heard this this on the radio on my way home just brilliant - remember Liam Shorthall as a wee boy sitting next to Joe in the Dumfries Jazz Band…

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