I only went out to do a bit of weeding and finally concluded to stay out till sundown, for going out, I found was really going in...

Apologies to John Muir for pinching and adapting his quote, but at this time of year the outdoors really is where it's at. Sarah and I intended to do a bit of weeding today but embarked on a big task, moving a weed-like plant (which spreads prolifically) out of the border. As you can see, Sarah did the heavy digging and I was the under gardener, trailing the full wheelbarrow backwards and forwards to the compost heap and back. There's a big patch of bare earth now, which is going to be checked for ground elder roots before I replant with something nicer.

This is the time of year when the garden needs a lot of time spent in it, not really a hardship :-) Thankfully, it's D's turn to make the tea. 

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