
For reason as that will become apparent this is a “Back Blip”.
I guessed something was afoot in the late afternoon when there were ‘moves’ to get me dressed and out of the door for something to eat.
To cut a long story short Joshua delivered me to the rugby club where instead of the dozen or so local friends I expected to be waiting there was a room full of people who had travelled considerable distances to be there for my 70th Birthday Bash, including Tiana who drove 700+ miles and faces the same on her return.
The Birthday Cake was supplied by friends and fellow ‘Blippers’ the ‘Roly’s’ and consisted of cheese rounds.
Will Keating, local folk singer, played and we had a great time. Aunty Vi, the sole survivor in our family from the “Greatest Generation” was there with son Andrew, brother Gary and family, sister Jacqui and her family. Friends, near and far, all made for a memorable evening in one of my favourite venues.
Inevitably I drank too much but it was brilliant, I am a lucky man to have Mrs S in my life.

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