The Morning After

Hangover doesn’t begin to describe how I felt first thing but a shower before heading to Events Square Discovery Quay to meet family for a coffee and catch up without the hubbub of last night.
A coffee settled me a little before Aunty Vi decided I needed a spiced rum to settle me. A half price pasty went some way towards filling the gap that no food in almost twenty-four hours had created.
Home to relax for an hour or two before heading out with Josh to the restaurant to meet up with the family again for an evening meal. I made a pint of lager last four hours, had a mediocre steak but enjoyed some great company.

Josh headed back up to Worthy Down, leaving later than he had anticipated, Sam arrived in from her concert and Mrs S and Paddy had been watching TV.

The end to a good weekend spent with family.

Todays photo - another one from last night.

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