Villadesuso to Sabaris (18km)

What a difference a day makes. We woke up to blue skies and sunshine. I’m not sure if woke up is the right word as I only slept on and off. Not so much noisy or uncomfortable but the main lights were on until 2am. That coupled with queues for toilets and showers (60 bed dorm with 2 toilets) and lack of basics including toilet paper made me rethink the rest of our accommodation plans. Also we were surrounded by 20 somethings! We cancelled the next couple of mixed dorm hostels and instead booked small hotels. We walked to our hotel this morning (a mere 18km). We had breakfast en route and met some lovely Scottish girls from Glasgow and St Andrews. Today I had very sore calf muscles, so once we’d booked into our hotel and had a fish and seafood lunch (delicious) in the main square to celebrate our half way point, we spent the rest of the day lounging in the hotel garden. The hotel owner is very welcoming and generous with his homemade spirits!

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