Caminha to Villadesuso (26km)

This included a 2km walk from our hostel to the water taxi at the pier.
After an excellent night’s sleep, Mr P and I set off for Spain. The water taxi (us and about 5 other pilgrims) only took about 5 minutes to reach Spain but was really exhilarating. What wasn’t so exhilarating was today’s weather, cloudy initially and then constant rain. Bring back the heat and sunshine. I don’t know why I complained! The rain soaked us through and it was really miserable trudging through it. Not helped by the fact that I now also have a cracked heel! Mr P and I have blue versions of these rain ponchos (not a good look). We met a lovely Portuguese pilgrim on the water taxi and she had breakfast and then walked with us (staying in the same hostel) and we all had a late lunch together. We’re now in a huge mixed dorm (little cubicles with privacy curtains) and I’m not enjoying it. Sadly we’ve a few more of these mixed dorms booked.

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