Diary of an Edinburgher

By LadyMarchmont

Our favourite bench…

JR cancelled the morning gym session in the middle of the night when she realised that she wasn’t ‘getting better’. She didn’t go to the Gym Bunnies brunch either. Chrissy came round later with a bunch of flowers - everyone is missing her. She says she feels a bit better. (I’ve heard that before…) She got up in the afternoon, but hasn’t ventured out.

I decided to give Archie a haircut. I had a spare hour before Marsha came over for the day. Hamish and Pip have both had haircuts, so we have to keep up with the neighbourhood schnauzers.

Marsha breezed in, ignoring Archie’s noisy ‘welcome’ and made herself at home. They had a run around in the back garden, but mostly just hung out, waiting for something to happen.

Well something did happen. Robert, his erstwhile friend and regular walker, popped in to say hi. We haven’t seen him since he moved house and has another dog in his life now. Marsha went crazy with the most aggressive sounding barking - she has a very deep bark - and she had to be put inside so that Archie could say hello. 

In the afternoon I took Archie to the vet for his six month check. Surprisingly, he trotted in no bother. The waiting room was FULL. I’ve never seen it like that. One wee dog was crying non stop. Archie was full on alert - he loves watching what the staff are doing.

He then trotted quite the thing to be weighed and pop into the examination room. There have been times when he’s had to be dragged or carried.

But he’s going to cost a bit this time. The car one day, the dog the next… *sigh* He has a sore eye. No, not sore, but needs cleaning every morning, it’s quite gunky. I have had a good look, and did see a tiny little lump, about the size of a pin head, under his eyelid… uh-oh… The vet had a closer look, and there’s another tiny pinhead lump further along. Now these are not bothering him at the moment, and may never grow… but they might… and then they’d be very hard to remove.

Soooo… he has to go in for a wee operation to remove them. But it’s not urgent, so it’ll have to be after the cruise.

We walked home and it was quite warm in the sun. We passed our favourite bench and couldn’t resist a photo. We met Hamish (with his smart haircut) and his Dad - Archie went daft.

There were further developments on our very exciting 2024 holiday…

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