In the Garden again

We got our Covid boosters yesterday. Mr C is fine but I had a bad night of waking with aches everywhere. Consequently I was glad I’d taken the precaution of asking Shona to do the driving to Alnwick as I’m a bit weary today.

My ticket got us both into the garden, paid for the parking and got a discount on a coffee so already I’m feeling less disgruntled by the donation to the Duchess’s charity. Shona really enjoyed the garden and the blossom was looking particularly good in the sun. (Still muffled up in big coats for the cold breeze though). I hadn’t realised that the Taihaku had been introduced to England in 1900 and was recognised in a Sussex garden years later after it had died out in Japan. All the Taihaku trees in the world are descended from the cuttings made in Sussex.

Mr C has been busy in the garden while I prepared a Thai veggie curry for #3 daughter and family coming to stay tonight. She is on strike tomorrow so of course the children can’t go to school either and Luke works nights at weekends so it’s a good chance for family time.

Shona loaned me “Fresh India” veggie cook book by Meera Sodha. It is so good I’m going to order it.

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