Friday Beach View

A misty start to the day.  The sun burned through, warmed up and a beautiful day.  Mist and haar returned this evening.  Flat calm all day. 

Up early, and a morning around the garden.  Popped by Madeline's for a cuppa.  Next stop, Laura's for a cuppa.  Onwards to work, and a day mostly on the check-in desk.  All flights in and out on time, early even.  Yesterday I got a photo with Ashley Jensen, today a selfie with Phyllis Logan, both starring in next Shetland series.  Walkies with Sammy, then might try a pint later.

When my break came along, it was a must to get outside and enjoy the sunshine.  After the last couple of mornings being glorious, I missed it today but made up for it on my break.  Looks like the weather is about to turn for the worse, cold windy snap next week.  I could easily get used to this weather, it's been a proper spring this past few days.  Taken at West Voe beach, Sumburgh.  

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