Kath's Journal

By Kathb

Osprey and Slavonian Grebe

We went to Loch Insh to see if the ospreys had returned to their nest. We were in luck. They must have only just returned because they were greeting each other and displaying. Wonderful to watch but not easy to photograph. Although we had excellent views through binoculars and the scope, my 400 mm lens doesn't really do the job. This heavily cropped shot is the best I could manage - I was lucky that it flew a little closer at this point.  I got some shots of the nest and the male taking a fish to the female, but they look little more than dots in the frame. :-D

We also called to Loch Ruthven Nature Reserve and I got two shots ( in the extras and again heavily cropped) of a Slavonian grebe. There's a breeding pair on the loch but only one of the birds came reasonably close. 

The weather wasn't too bad. Although there was some rain, there was also a few bright sunny spells - but cold. 

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