Friday: To Infinity And Beyond

I worked from home today which I haven’t done for a while.  I can’t say that I was more productive, but it was still a pleasant change.  

I had a couple of events to attend after work.  My original intention had been to drive myself so that I didn’t have to eat into my driver Humberto’s weekend.  That turned out not to be possible as we now don’t have a car, so Humberto had to step in at short notice.  I’ve promised to buy him a beer the next time we open the compound bar.  He said that’s fine as long as I don’t try and fob him off with the horrible cider no-one else wanted.

Anyway, K and I were invited for drinks at this house overlooking Spanish Lookout. The views are pretty nice and it meant I could have a few drinks. Along with my American colleague we were there on time which meant that, in true Belizean fashion, we were there half an hour before the host. 

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