Point Loma

It’s difficult to pick just one picture to represent our day, so I settled for two, the first lighthouse in San Diego, built in 1851 with a fresnel lens, perched right at the top of Point Loma, its light directed out over the Pacific Ocean. A newer one, built in 1891, is set amidst the keepers’ cottages down below on the beach.

We started the day with Rick at Bird Rock Coffee. Yesterday’s place we couldn’t order in person but had to order on a screen. Today we couldn’t pay in cash so the cashier gave us the ‘itty bars’ of chocolate we were expressing curiosity about. The coffee was delicious and it was much quieter than yesterday’s spot.

Kristin joined us and we all piled into Rick’s car, the three of us in the back seat tussling to fasten our seatbelts. There were a few errands to be accomplished, and there was hilarity over unfastening and refastening seat belts every time someone had to get out. Rick took us on the scenic route so that sandwiches for lunch could be picked and we could get a feel for the different sections of town.

Point Lobos is at one end of the San Diego Bay where it becomes the Pacific Ocean. The weather was just about perfect, sunny and breezy but not cold. We sat on a bench overlooking the bay watching the fishing boats and the small tour boats coming and going and the sailboats heeling over before the wind, coming about just as it seemed as if they would capsize.

There was some sort of medical emergency inside the lighthouse, now a museum, and two paramedic vans and a hook and a fire engine from the adjacent naval base turned up to wheel out a young woman on a gurney, the whole procession moving off down the hill at a stately pace.

That small drama aside, it was a pleasant interlude and it’s been awhile since we’ve been to the beach.

We’re expecting Will who is driving down from Santa Barbara to join us for dinner.
It’s been a lovely day.


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