Waterfront Park

We walked down to San Diego’s Waterfront Park this morning stopping for coffee on the way. I liked the juxtaposition of the old sailing ship, part of a maritime museum, and the enormous Princess cruise liner behind it.

Lunch was at Prado, a restaurant in Balboa Park. We had reservations on the outdoor terrace, but they decided to move all the diners inside because it was too cold outside. Much to everyone’s surprise it is colder here than it is in Santa Rosa.

Meg and Rick live on the 7th floor of their building in downtown San Diego, quite a change in lifestyle for my brother, but he and Meg love being able to walk everyplace, and it is a thriving scene with plenty of things to do. As many of us are, they are contemplating life’s next move and I’m sure there will be more discussions as time goes on.

After lunch we walked around Balboa Park with it’s rococo Spanish style buildings, museums and beautifully maintained gardens. A visit to the Mingei museum was fascinating…it’s a museum of crafts with exhibits of paper sculptures and a display called ‘25 Million Stitches’, a collaboration of stitchers from all over the world to graphically demonstrate the worldwide number of refugees estimated by the High Commission on Refugees. The range of skill and style was amazing and I could have spent a lot more time looking at them.

Now we’re back at Rick and Meg’s enjoying wine and cheese and and conversation with Meg’s daughter who arrived today for a visit.

Comments will be scarce for the next few days….

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