Hotel del Coronado

Another great day. I was getting a running commentary from John as he watched the clouds rise up one of the tall glass office buildings from the window of our 12th story hotel room. Before we left the room they were already starting to disperse. We walked down to the waterfront where preparations for the San Diego marathon tomorrow were in full swing.

We met Rick, Meg and Will at Bird Rock coffee. I congratulated the boys for being willing to hang out with the old folks. We had had a chance to catch up with Will last night over dinner at a great Italian restaurant last night. We haven’t seen Will since he moved to Santa Barbara, and were quite touched that he was willing to make the six hour drive down from Santa Barbara to see us. He is staying with his childhood Santa Rosa friend Ian, who is now living down here and Will brought him along today for back-up. The two of them are playing golf together so Will did have a double motive for coming down.

We all decamped from the Bird Rock and went to Coronado Island to see the famous old del Coronado hotel. I am writing this on my cell phone so I can’t put in any extras, but it is a beautiful, gracious old hotel right on the beach. I was especially struck by the beautiful floor to ceiling intricate wood paneling and the old fashioned keys hanging from a large rack behind the reception desk. I had totally forgotten about how we used to have to drop off our keys at the front desk and pick them up when we came back in.

The boys took their leave to play golf and we went across the street to have the best fish taco I think I’ve ever had.

It has been a lovely day and it isn’t over yet.

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