Willies Singing Muppet Songs

My Dear Princess and Dear Fellow,

Mo spent the night here in Paraparaumu. This was because we were slated to go and visit Loulou and Tiger at 10am the next day for hot cross buns and chat.

The chat was good. We talked a lot about Mo's potential new job - he is being head-hunted - and Tiger talked about his planned trip to the UK to visit Hay-on-Wye, amongst other places. 

As there were five of us there, the conversation split. Mo and Loulou got talking about work. Meanwhile Caro pointed out Loulou's new wheelbarrow. 

This took Tiger and Caro down the route of drunken student wheelbarrow races. Which caused Caro to reminisce about her student days of doing pub crawls by bicycle. She recounted how she left her bike in the parking lot of a pub only to find it completely concertina-ed by a car when she came back out. 

"I bought myself a new bike every year after that," she said. "Always cheap shitty secondhand ones because they all got destroyed."

There were tales of mishaps, spews and crashing into stationary objects.


There was the tale of the peeing willy-hole. "I'd never seen one before," said Caro. Apparently there was this bloke in a car park just wandering around with his willy out, peeing. 

"But not holding it or pointing it or anything," said Caro. "He was too drunk for that. It was just sort of flopping about, weeing as he walked."

And she was FASCINATED. "Because I'd never seen a peeing one before," she added. "It was like it had its mouth open, like BLAAAAARGH."

Which makes you wonder how close of a look she got, but I didn't ask.

Tiger, Caro and I thought this was the funniest thing. Of a willy with its mouth open, saying stuff. "Helloooo!!", "Look at MEEEEE, I'm PEEEEEING!!" 

"Or maybe singing like in the Muppets," suggested Caro. "You know, like Manah Manah."

It was then we noticed that Loulou and Mo had stopped talking. "What a time to rejoin the conversation," said Loulou. "Penises singing Muppet songs".

It's who we are. And it was great fun.


p.s. When we got home, I found that Craig and Shenée had left us a Lindt bunny on the doorstep! Jasper was unimpressed.

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