Happy place

I started off the day at a bit of a loose end?  OH was playing golf and I was not sure what I wanted to do?  A walk, a swim, a trip to Tenterden or Bluewater or LC.  I faffed and wandered around the house weighing the options.  I decided on a trip to the nursery but went to Tesco for cash and milk first (also called into the charity shop to get some more reading material - two books for a pound!).

Home for a spot of breakfast and then off to the nursery (he doesn’t have a card machine) where I bought some new penstemon to replace the ones caught by the frost.  Home for gardening and a podcast.  My sister had recommended a good one called the Witch Trials of JK Rowling - really interesting, slightly mad, scary stuff following her tweets and resulting trans arguments.

OH home from golf and we sat in the garden with a cup of tea before heading off to early dinner at Desh in WM - best Indian meal for ages.  

I didn’t speak to No1 but had a few WhatsApp messages, but thought about her all day.

Spoke to No.2 who was off to visit an exhibition in London and we agreed on another day out together soon.

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