Average Friday

OH had arranged to watch an away game with No.2 -Bristol Rovers, but travelling on a Bank Holiday was probably not a good idea.  He drove to Bow and No. 2 drove but traffic was horrendous.    It took ages and they missed the start and the team lost.  I can imagine the moaning in the car!!

BP for me as usual and the class was packed.  Home via MIL where I dropped off some groceries and stayed for a (cold) cup of tea.  She is increasingly frail and unable to do much for herself and I vowed to try and be kinder.  I am going to type her a generic shopping list so she can just tick what she needs rather than writing it out each week and also order her a new clothes horse so she can dry washing in the conservatory.

It was another glorious day so I did some gardening and planted my sweet peas hoping for no more frost.  I did some weeding but after BP was aching a bit.  I also did some sewing and finished hair bands for No,1 using F’s sewing machine.

Solo dinner watching ‘Where the Crawdads Sing’ I paid £7.99 to stream on Amazon only to find it had been on Sky recently and I had recorded it (but forgot!).  Lovely book but as usual the film was not as good and the ending very poor.

Messaged No.1 who had a nice day out with JC - but a bit overwhelmed with the crowds, it’s been a long time since she has been out and about, but hopefully as she feels better will be a more regular occurrence.

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