One of these days I will suprise you all with a photo not taken in the garden with my 105mm lens.
This is not that day.
This morning, after an unscheduled lie in, there was a surprisingly calm departure from the house to my teaching thingy. Today we read 'The Very Hungry Caterpillar' together and learned about (you'll never guess) fruit. I am worried that I may be expected to put on a little show in English at the end of term party - this has happened in previous years but always with older age groups. There's not a lot to be done with 6-8 year olds who only really want to play the magnetic fishing game and *still* parrot back "How are you?" when I ask "How are you?" My idea is to prepare 'The Very Hungry Caterpillar' in case the Head springs the show thing on me with a few weeks to spare. And I will have no shame in using my two secret weapons (CarbBoy and pal - the British kids...)
Anyway, the lessons went rather well with almost no shouting and only one joke I didn't get.
Here's some chive flowers. And very tasty they are too. Whenever it is warm enough again to contemplate salad rather than pasta and porridge (not together) I will devour them with some peppery leaves. Another chilly day but, in another end-of-the-day burst of sunshine I popped out with TallGirl to take our photo in the garden to send to the child we sponsor. May I just say that holding the camera at arm's length and pushing your head back to get more distance does not make a flattering photo. Who knew I had that many chins? I may consider growing a beard to hide them.
Mr B is back tomorrow. I might start making more sense then. Or not.
Yesterday is backblipped. (If you're thinking it's probably a flower, you're right.)
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