Another dreary and cold day, with added rain, drizzle, mizzle and did I mention the cold? A foray into the garden at the end of the day (to briefly air the plants in the cold frame in the one shaft of sunshine we saw) and I spotted this lonely anemone, which missed coming out to play with all its friends last month. I have a pot of them that I think I must have buried too deep - and they are just about to come out, but this one, hiding here behind the thuggish blue wheatgrass is just late to the party. Not that we can call this spring much of a party. Regardless the borage (top right) continues to flower furiously all over the garden, with its dangling flowers providing a dry haven for bees in all this rain. The wheatgrass has developed from a tiny pot plant last year into a metre wide thug, now spreading to the lower terrace somehow (through a foot-thick stone wall). This autumn I will have to wrestle it out of the ground and move it (hacked into smaller pieces) into the optimistically named 'grasses bed' which is currently, erm, a large grassy area. Is autumn the right time to move grasses? I have no idea.
So, mad Wednesday was made less mad by the kids being at school. This meant that some, but not all, Wednesday activities were cancelled. Now all the other parents seem to 'just know' which activities are still on and all look at me with that patient but nonplussed look that people use when I ask really stupid questions when I ask if basketball is on. So, CarbBoy's basketball was off, TallGirl's was on (because it's later I suppose) but riding (also well after school time) was off. Mr B points out that we will know we have assimilated when we too 'just know' these things...
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