Not sunny
I know that looks like sunshine in the middle distance.
It's not.
There's a reason that this is taken through the kitchen window in the (relative) warmth and dryness of the house. Briefly it was dry enough to get some of the growing mountain of wet washing out on the line, but it was soon back inside to join the queue for space on the airer or (for urgent items) the bathroom radiator.
My day was filled with painting the 'dining room' (nearly done now and then I promise I'll shut up about it for at least five years) and with crushing a knuckle in a shutter bolt, which necessitated a little sit down, a cup of tea and some restorative chocolate.
Mr B finally arrived back 2 hours later than expected at 5pm which, on a day with the news full of bad things happening on planes and when no news on flights into Carcassonne was forthcoming, was a bit of a worry. Still, at least he wasn't on one of the grounded BA flights.
Now I am waiting for TallGirl's training session to finish in the basketball stadium (currently running 30 mins over) while Mr B and CarbBoy are at home howling at Laurel and Hardy. I'm in the mood for wallowing in some trashy telly, followed by an early night. I need some sunshine to lift my mood I think.
Or maybe a glass of wine and a kilo of chocolate.
See, I feel better just thinking about that.
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