and through the wire...

By hesscat

Go Husky!

I know I know, ok. We'd been looking forward to this day for almost a week... Husky time. Originally we had booked a Husky Dog Sled ride when the snow was deep enough but with a thaw since Saturday, it was not possible. So instead we had 2 hours with them at their home. 18 Huskies, and 5 puppies only 4 weeks old. When we arrived they were outside, and all began howling as we got out of the car. When we got into their garden, they were all over us saying hello, they were VERY friendly and followed us around.

We went inside for a cup of hot chocolate, saw their bedroom in the cellar. They had free reign over most of the house, with dog doors into the garden front and back. Inside they found their places and were in almost every room. Upstairs was a mum with her five puppies, who all awoke, had something to eat, played and fell asleep again. Downstairs we saw their feeding schedule, how they took their fur from combing and spun it to make gloves and hats etc for people to wear. We saw the sleds and how they were used.

It was a great 2 hours having their attention and returning it, hopefully it'll keep us going until we see our Arlo in a week.

Oh yeah, we did other stuff... we left Myvatn, visiting the lava field and lava pillars, Akureyri, Glaumbær Turf Houses and Skagafjörður before arrving at our guest house for the night in Skagaströnd.

Husky Extras!

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