and through the wire...

By hesscat

Way Out West

Today was a hop, skip and jump out to the Westfjords, but first visiting a 15m sea stack at Hvitserkur. About the third of the journey was on gravel roads despite being the main roads. Loads of photos taken on the way but stripped back to Stykkishólmur and the magnificent Kirkjufellsfoss waterfall beside Kirkjufell mountain. Unsurpringly, both are named Kirk, because the mountain resembles a church. Apparently these views were featured in Game of Thrones and Walter Mitty (Ben Stiller). We'd planned to come to see these views some months ago but since then I had forgotten why we were taking to this location, until I saw it, so it was a surprise for me haha. Last day on the road tomorrow, then ready for some city life :-)

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