
By Legacy

Don't Tell Snuffy.

I'm feeling really guilty right now that I have to surprise Snuffy in the morning, get him into his carrier, drive him 80 miles and turn him over to a veterinarian he hasn't even met who will inject him with a radioactive isotope which will hopefully slow down his hyperactive thyroid. On second thought......

No....... Snuffy has to go to Seattle and I'm probably not going to be able to sleep tonight because I know that and he doesn't. Right now he's lying on the desk in front of me, purring and looking very relaxed. This is going to be a lot harder on me than it will be on him. I think he'll be able to come home Saturday and after he spends 8 or 10 hours under the bed he'll forgive me and we can get back to normal.

Wish us luck.

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