
By KCNQ2Haiku

Showing a stick who's boss

Weird weather, rain/sun.
Morning drama then peaceful
afternoon. Now wine :-)

The headlines today. An initially sunny morning that turned to rain as soon as I got Leo to the fields, sigh.  I took the long line so he could run around without me holding the lead but still easy enough for me to grab it if necessary.  We had mixed and soggy results.  I threw a tennis ball that he ignored so I ran after it, this apparently piqued his interest so as I'm running after the ball I hear a squeal and he's caught up and got under my feet :-/ Poor thing, so I panic about my next footstep and fall over back wards into the mud, winding myself.  What a palaver.  We picked ourselves up and all seemed well.  There was some more running, a banana skin, some interestingly smelling goal posts (apparently) and then he went in a bus for a number two and yelped again holding his foot up.  I couldn't see anything on the ground but I ended up scooping him up and retreating to the car.  Once we got home he trotted in like nothing had happened.  It's stressful being in charge of a little dog.
I popped to Sainsburys and the pharmacy and then the weather perked up, Leo has been sitting in the sun in the garden and trying to get all his toys outside!  Also he's destroying the bushes and eating them on the lawn.. (see photo)
Ben had an OK day at school and after a heap more chasing the social worker finally rang and we arranged a Teams call for tomorrow morning, so fingers crossed that will be helpful.  
We're off to see family for the weekend tomorrow night so things are going to be busy!  First trip away for the four pawed family member, should be interesting! 

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