Between fen and mountains

By Tickytocky

The dolmen

I delivered the key to the men who are clearing out the church crypt first thing. I then set off on our walk to the dolmen above Molitg. The walk was mostly on forest pistes and it felt quite hot. In the car on the way back, I saw that the temperature was 21 degrees. All together we walked 12 km with 480 metres of ascent. The temperature in France generally is hotting up but not just meteorologically. People in the rest of Europe do not understand why the French are so resistant to an increase in the pension age from 62 to 64. I have some sympathy with the fact that they do not want to give up hard won rights. In the UK there is very little resistance to changes is that turn the clock backwards. There is currently the prospect of a bonfire of laws that protect numerous important rights such as holiday entitlement and working hours, but there is very little  push back. Perhaps the Brits need to learn something from the French! However, the protests are not simply about pensions. People are now protesting against the leadership style of President Macron and the undemocratic passing of this reform that bypassed a vote in parliament. There is also a lot of anger about police violence. The police are seen as instruments of the state. It is all getting to be something of a mess.

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