
By KCNQ2Haiku

Expressive tree!

Oh, it's still soggy..
when will it end?  Wet boots; wet paws.
Muddy, muddy floor.

Well, it's thursday.  That feels like an achievement.  Today I took Leo for a good walk first thing but he got so muddy again.  Common sense says I should stick to the paths when it's like this but I just can't bear to think of such a boring sanitised walk for him (and me!!)  I took him home and left him for a sleep by the aga whilst I popped to the shops.  I was back before lunch, cleaned the main bathroom and did some more washing.  Then I had to set off for my Home-Start session.  With Home-Start you get matched with a family who might need a bit of support but just for a six month block, so this one is coming to an end now.  It always feels funny to have built up the rapport and then for it to be over but also it feels really lovely to have given some small bit of attention to someone who was maybe a bit overwhelmed.  Afterwards I picked up Leo and managed another quick run in the park before fetching Ben.  More mud.  I met Ben's teacher when I was parking up and he said Ben had a good day.  He is doing a little better I think.  
Mr KCNQ2Haiku has actually gone to his concert tonight, so I hope he has fun, it's been a full on week with work for him, so it might be nice to do something a bit different.  It puts me on bath and bed duty, so I'd better be off.  Ben is currently having a slightly wet and dark bounce on the trampoline but he's bound to be in any minute!  
The photo was a tree on our walk this morning, there was some striking fungi but then afterwards I thought it looked like the tree had eyes and his nose in the air.. even a mouth below, if you look very hard for it!!  See, I wouldn't have found that on a pavement walk! 

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