
By KCNQ2Haiku


Well, what a long week!
Finally Friday, wood walk,
pub lunch and sunshine :-)

Quite a nice day today, I took Ben to school and snuck in a walk around the woods and lake with Leo.  It was a bit quick as I had a Tesco shop to come home for.  Leo enjoyed the scampering but despite the warm weather and sunshine he found all the muddy puddles and waded right through the middle of them!  Oh well.  At least his black fur hides some of it!  At home I did a few jobs, emails, chased up some diabetes stuff and did a load of washing.  Then Mr KCNQ2Haiku and I had a quick walk around the brook with Leo before I left him in his pen with his dinner so that we could have a human-only lunch in the pub :-) It was very lovely to be out just the two of us.  At home I did some hoovering and mopping (stupid mud) and then fetched Ben.  He seemed fairly perky and has been OK this afternoon.  We chatted with a neighbour when we got home, I like how the sunshine brings people out of their houses into their gardens, it's so much easier to be sociable with the community in the better weather.  Sometimes in the winter I hardly see a neighbour from one month to the next and that's a shame because they're all lovely.  We haven't always had nice neighbours, so I never stop appreciating it!!  Anyway, I'm glad it's Friday, we're having a take away curry so that's a little bit of joy and means left overs tomorrow too, a double win!  
The photo is the morning walk with Leo, I love getting out for daily walks with him, the outdoors can give so much peace.  I did take a photo of Leo that I was smugly thinking was crystal clear and quite special.. but looking at it now, his face is all blurry so instead you've got the woodland the path ahead of us, all under a warm spring sky :-D  Can't argue with that.

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