What do you know?? It's my dog!

Garden obsession.
He would sit hopefully by
a ball all day long.

Bless.  Sort of.  We've started letting him out in the garden a bit more as he is marginally less barky and he just loves it.  He's not the most independent though, he just sits on the grass with his ball and stares at the back door, hoping I'm coming out to play chase.  Usually the guilt wins and I do go out for a bit but who knows if I'm creating a monster. (Spoiler alert: I am creating a monster.. but he's very cute!)
Ben had the carers which is very stressful to prepare and plan for and always starts with a hiccup over someone being late or there being some problem, so by the time they have set off, my shoulders are clenched to the point they have merged with my head :-/  They did have an OK day today though, there was a new guy shadowing which was a rocky start but seemed to have worked out in the end.  His feedback at handover was, "I'd like to work with Ben again, he listens and he was very polite."  That sounds like good enough to me!  I had a day pottering with older teen, we went to the barbers, walked the dog and had lunch.  
Today's issue of concern is that Ben is a little obsessed with a new prepaid debit card I got him so that he can use a card safely to buy things when he's out with his carers.  I can't quite pin point what is getting under his skin but he's just wanting to look at it all the time.  I've fielded questions along the lines of, 'can I take my card to school?', 'can I take my card on the trampoline?' and 'can I look at my card so I can memorise the card number?'.  I think it might turn out to be one of those things that wakes him up at 3am :-/
Mr KCNQ2Haiku is out with some of our friends, so I'm off to do the pre-bath play.  Tonight it's going to be looking at his bank card :-/ Obviously!  Wish me luck!

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