Ffabrig llawenydd
Ffabrig llawenydd ~ Fabric of joy
“They sang the words in unison, yet somehow created a web of sounds with their voices. It was like hearing a piece of fabric woven with all the colors of a rainbow. I did not know that such beauty could be formed by the human mouth. I had never heard harmony before.”
― Anita Diamant
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Diwrnod wlyb iawn heddiw. O dro i dro roedd cawodydd glaw drwm iawn. Serch hynny es i allan i gerdded am bymtheg munud i ychwanegu pwynt arall i fy map o'r ardal. Y tro hon es i i gyfeiriad yr orsaf sy'n anfoddus mwy fel dau ddeg pump munud i ffwrdd.
Gwnes i parhau i'r orsaf a'r siopau a ffeindiais i'r greadigaeth ryfeddol hon - het wedi ei gwau ar gyfer yr hen flwch post, gyda corrach wedi'i gwau hefyd. Mae'n dda iawn i weld celf cyhoeddus fel hon. Mae'r pethau hyn yn tarddle llawenydd mawr.
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A very wet day today. From time to time there were very heavy rain showers. Nevertheless I went out for a fifteen minute walk to add another point to my map of the area. This time I went in the direction of the station which unfortunately is more like twenty five minutes away.
I continued to the station and shops and found this wonderful creation - a knitted hat for the old post box, with a knitted gnome too. It is very good to see public art like this. These things are a source of great joy.
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Disgrifiad (Cymraeg): Corrach wedi'i gwau ar hen flwch post
Description (English): A knitted gnome on an old post box
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