Llond rhaw o bridd
Llond rhaw o bridd ~ A shovelful of soil
“The real dividing line between things we call work and the things we call leisure is that in leisure, however active we may be, we make our own choices and our own decisions. We feel for the time being that our life is our own.”
― Raymond Williams
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Heddiw gwnaethon ni blannu mwy o rosod yn yr ardd. Roedd y tywydd yn ddigon caredig i anfon cawod dros yr ardd ar ôl i ni wedi gorffen.
Dydy Nor’dzin ddim yn iach eto. Treulion ni’r dydd yn paratoi bwyd am fwffe gyda Richard, Steph a theulu, ond yna penderfynon ni ganslo’r cynllun. Dydy Nor’dzin ddim yn ddigon dda i fynd allan ac mae tymheredd uchel gyda Sam. Bydd rhaid i ni drio diwrnod arall.
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Today we planted more roses in the garden. The weather was kind enough to send a shower over the garden after we had finished. Nor'dzin is not well yet.
We spent the day preparing food for a buffet with Richard, Steph and family, but then we decided to cancel the plan. Nor'dzin is not well enough to go out and Sam has a high temperature. We will have to try another day.
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Disgrifiad (Cymraeg): Llond rhaw o bridd
Description (English): A shovelful of soil
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