
By KCNQ2Haiku

Silly smug northerner

Biting cold, bright sky,
icy puddles crunch, strange but
fun for little pooch.

It started out so well!  I heard from family in Bristol and a friend in London that it was snowing and "ha" I thought, "not here, we've dodged that bullet!"  Leo and I had a walk where it was admittedly cold but certainly no snow.  At one point we found some icy puddles which really confused him!  He was tapping them and then tried to dig them up :-)  By the lake there was cherry blossom in bloom and I was still channeling yesterday's "Spring is sprung" mentality.. but then lunch time came.  The sky greyed over and boom, we had snow.  It doesn't ever really stick here, we live in a weird dip or something so now it's just bitingly cold, sleety and wet underfoot.  Then I made the mistake of looking at the weather forecast for the next few days and that does not look warm.  I'm so over the Winter, roll on warmer days.
Ben has been OK, I gave him lots of insulin this morning and he did better with his bloods,  they took him on the Flying Scotsman today with school.  Bonkers.  There's no way I would take him on a car journey to the station; 45 min train ride; stay on the train for 30 mins whilst the engine turns around or whatever; then a 45 min train journey back and a car journey back to school.  Can you say, "asking for trouble"??  But he seems to have done OK, other than mithering everyone for their food.  On the way home from school Ben asked me what train he'd been on and for a minute I couldn't think of the name, I knew it was iconic, so I panicked and said, "The Great British Train Off".  He fell about laughing and it was nice to hear him chuckle :-) 
Grandma has been here as well so he's had some fun playing on the trampoline (in the sleet - poor Grandma!).
And.. after a very noisy day of what seemed like hundreds of actors and extras shouting and laughing on the other side of our fence, I think they have finally packed up and gone home!  Yay.  Hopefully they're not back tomorrow, it meant Leo barked every time he went in the garden which was a bit wearing. 
So that's about it.
Happy Wednesday all :-) 

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