
By KCNQ2Haiku

Spring is Springing!

Sunny day, nice walks.
Bit of shopping and cleaning.
And TV Advert!

Ben's bloods have been a train wreck all day, school have tried to handle it without bothering me but it means I just watch the data on my phone all day long, so they may as well call me!  I'm not sure what's different, if he's coming down with something, if it's hormones or growth or the slight medication change.  Gah.  It was around 20 when I fetched him, I gave him insulin through needles and changed his pump site.  It's come down now but it took ages.  It has been a lovely sunny day though.  Leo and I had a walk on a little field, mostly enclosed, I took a long lead and purposely dropped it to see how good his recall was.. I didn't really get to see as he just mainly stayed around my ankles!  He's going in the right direction with it all I think.  Then I waited for my Tesco delivery which at 4 minutes to the allotted time period, sent me an email to cancel itself!! That was annoying, apparently their IT systems were down.  So I popped Leo in his crate and had to do a Sainsburys shop.  It always takes longer than you'd like.  Mr KCNQ2Haiku suggested a walk at lunch which was nice but very cold, despite the sun and Leo was a bit giddy.  I cleaned the bathroom, did a bit of hoovering and went to fetch Ben.  He was not in a great place.  He was upset about coming home for some reason and was threatening to take the handbrake off the car again etc etc.  One of the staff and I talked him down with a bit of distraction and the journey home was OK.  He wasn't great at home as I had to do all the diabetes stuff with him and he couldn't eat the carby snacks that he wanted.  It all settled eventually.
The other excitement is that a production company have taken over the road at the side of our house (we're a corner house, so it's not our street but the one that runs alongside our garden).  They're filming a street party to advertise for a lottery company or something.  They have massive trailer type things and all sorts going on.  The poor people on that road have been told to park on a different street for 3 days, it's quite a spectacle.. and I think it's only going to get more crazy over the next few days!
Anyway, the photo shows Spring doing its thing in the garden! And the extra is Leo with the macro lens in the sunshine :-D

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