
By KCNQ2Haiku

Snow on a black dog

Snow still not sticking,
here in our little town's Dip.
Just looks like dandruff!

Leo coming in from the snow (see photo!) reminded me that when I was a child we used to run to find a piece of black velvet and a magnifying glass when it snowed! I used to love looking for the different snowflakes and how beautiful they are... and now I have my very own black dog to catch snowflakes for me, I just need to dig out my magnifying glass!!  Or he looks like he has dandruff, take your pick!!
Not a bad day overall.  Ben woke at 3am and couldn't get back to sleep, I was worried he was going to be disruptive but he kept calm and remarkably fell back to sleep around 4:20am, it hardly ever happens that he falls asleep after he's decided that he can't, so it was a big win :-)  Still not ideal to be up with a 14 year old at 3am but you take the wins where you can :-/  He went to school OK and I braved the snow with Leo for a long walk.  He was great, had a few good sniffs with some other dogs and seemed happy.  We were both very soggy when we got home.  It's snowing fairly continually here but not sticking at all so the ground is just very wet.  
I left Leo for a short time whilst I popped to the post office and pharmacy (they're next door to each other) and then spoke to my mum whilst Leo had a sneaky sleep on the sofa. Then it was time for my Home-Start visit.  I had fun playing with the little one whilst mum had a zoom call, sometimes it's a pain to have the commitment to do it but I always feel happy that I've been able to help out when I do it :-)
The journey home was a nuisance because a road was closed and my sat nav didn't recognise the closure so kept taking me back towards it and I don't know the area well enough to be able to direct myself.. I went around the houses a bit but I still got home in time to pick up Leo and go and fetch Ben.  They said he'd had a good enough day and the journey home was OK so I'll take it.  
Mr KCNQ2Haiku is swamped with work, so I've hardly seen him, I hope things settle down for him soon.  
Right, that's all for now :-)

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