Boats, pots, and rooftops

Here is the view from inside the boat pictured in yesterday's Blip, taken as we travelled back to Kissy Ferry Port, this morning. I really enjoyed the journey, which is about twenty miles, and we even had some light, refreshing rain, much to the surprise of everyone who actually lives in Sierra Leone. 

From there, Izzy, the Minx, and I went out to Lettie Stuart Pottery, which, as I understand it, is a charity run from Iceland that trains local people up in pottery and sells some of the (excellent) results back in Iceland.

Izzy had booked us a beginners course to learn how to 'throw', which I believe is the correct term. I went into this already feeling cross because, as I have come to realise at the ripe old age of fifty-six, I hate being put in situations where I know I'm going to be crap.

And I'm also experienced enough to know that when such occasions arise, usually arranged by people trying to do something nice for me, I just need to get over myself and get on with it, because the chances are I'll enjoy myself, which I did!

We each had our own tutor, and I was blessed with one who didn't keep telling me that I was doing really well when I wasn't, and who was, at a couple of points, on the verge of exasperation. I like a bit of honesty in these situations!

And that did make it all the sweeter when he left me to try my last throw solo, and it turned out OK. His happy surprise when he came back to my wheel was the best praise I could have received. (It's the bowl on the bottom left in my Extra.)

And after a busy weekend, we had dinner at The Hub, which is just up the road from where Izzy lives, and is popular with her and her friends, evidenced by the fact that we bumped into Beth, there, and then James, who'd popped into pick up a takeaway pizza.

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