Its the Way It Is

By Jeano


I ate a piece of pineapple upside down cake

And I bit on something hard. And one of my teeth felt funny.

Oh no. I thought

So phoned my dentist this morning. (He’s a Cork man but never hold that against him)

Jean - he said; one of your teeth has almost disintegrated. Oh dear. Sez I

Come in at 1.30 today and we will see what we can do.

But because of my recent cardiac surgery, I had to have a one off dose of Amoxicillin 2 hours beforehand.

This made me feel very nauseous but I had to just endure.

So after a 45 minute dental session (with my excellent dentist), I am still nauseous but my tooth has been re-filled and I will relax for the evening.

After 2 hours I could eat but had no appetite. So the 2 canines got all sorts of delicious culinary treats

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