Its the Way It Is

By Jeano


After cold splash about in Bray. Quick coffee in Catalyst, I decided to go to Arklow to seek out BS’s blip about street art.

I also wanted to see the Ronnie DELANY statue (he was born in Arklow and I shot my documentary film in college last year about him). Please look at this

When I was young, my Mammy’s oldest brother Freddie (who at 15 ran away to the British Merchant Navy: travelled the world and brought home a beautiful bride - my Auntie Vicky - who was Burmese) had a stationery caravan in Ferrybank, Arklow. They had a son and a daughter (Susan) and we were very close.

Auntie Vickie was astonishingly beautiful, smoked with a cigarette holder, blew smoke rings, dressed beautifully and acclaimed in a loud voice ‘I don’t know how to cook; if Frederick wants to eat, then he has to learn to cook for himself’

So for many summers, I spent months in Ferrybank, Arklow. Barefoot on the beach, coming back for meals and sleeping in a coma in a very basic caravan. Those are my memories.

Therefore I have happy memories of Arklow.

I just wish I could go back to those times and appreciate them.

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