Its the Way It Is

By Jeano

Grey mullet

A lovely Spring day today

Swim at 8am (water freezing)

Sunday chat on the beach afterwards - everyone has time. No one is rushing. We have to vote next Friday - but despite asking numerous people what it’s actually about, no one fully understands it. There has been patchy information and no canvassing. This is unusual in Ireland where people work themselves into a frenzy about certain issues. I suspect there will be a low turn out.

Poetry in The Park as its first Sunday of the month. I read Bernard Young’s excellent poem from January

and it got a round of applause. We discussed the poem then briefly as we do, and everyone can offer their own experience relating to the content. We had a poem about moving house in childhood, getting old and loneliness, the struggles with depression during lockdown and its aftermath, about the love of books and a poem by Katie Donovan. It was very enjoyable as always. The park was looking good as the daffodils are making their presence felt and the mountains in the background had a sugar coating of snow against a blue sky.

I went into the Asian Supermarket and bought myself some grey mullet ( the one on the left) and cooked it with salad potatoes, onions, celery, red peppers in a satay sauce. It was very tasty.

I was home in time to watch ‘Those Magnificent Men in Their Flying Machines’ (hmmm where’s the women I ask - yes I know it’s of its time). But still.

I watched an interesting program about Juries last week where an old case was put to 2 juries (they were kept separate) and one decided manslaughter and one murder. They were each presented with the same facts and history of the case. It would make you think.

Laptop charging for college tomorrow; no housework done; but I have had a good day. After yesterday, more than ever I believe I have to do things that nurture my soul, avoid cynical people; limit bad news intake and eat tasty nourishing food (a woman has to eat food with calcium in mind to take care of her bones); read and write poetry; express myself (not bottle things up - although that’s no a problem with me usually); swim everyday and hopefully soon do some painting at the seaside.

I hope you blippers had a good Sunday. I spent a lot of it outdoors and that definitely makes you feel better

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